
A Big Lunch, New Friends and the Donkeys

It has been a while since the last time we met up together. Everyone was busy with different activities and many people traveled during the summer holiday from June to August. We still stayed in touch and as soon as we found out that many have come back from the holiday, we decided to quickly have a small gathering before the cold season start. 

The gathering took place at the house of Yawa’s in Fiesole, a bit uphill from Florence. Summer has ended and it was a beginning of autumn. The weather was much cooler and quite nice for outdoor activities.  When we arrived, the first that caught my eyes was one beautiful Indonesian lady stood next to Fifi. She was introduced to me by Fifi, "Ciao, sono Malina, piacere" she said with her lovely smile. She lives at Pietrasanta, about 1.5 hour drive to Fiesole. A moment later, another Indonesian lady came with her husband and her two children. She looked chic and very stylish. It was Christina, she spoke Dutch with me and Jos, later she told me that she lived with her family and grew up in the Netherland, before she moved to Italy and married with an Italian. She lives at Forte dei Marmi, located near Pietrasanta. Fifi came with her husband and daughter. Yawa's husband was also there.  

It was a great opportunity for everyone to meet each other and also to meet the spouses because our husbands were able to join this time, except Malina’s husband, Jacopo. Also because some children came along, Yawa offered to ask permission from her landlord (who has four donkeys and a mule) to be able to enter the farm so the children can play with the donkeys. In the end, not just the children, we adults also enjoyed being close with the donkeys.

It’s a potluck Indonesian late lunch, each family contributed different food. Malina brought some capjay, Fifi brought fried noodle and chicken soy sauce, I brought macaroni salad, and Yawa made some spring rolls. We thought the food would not be enough but apparently there were plenty of food. It was too much that we couldn’t finish them all, so we had to divide the rest of the food and bring some home. We liked it that way, we brought some food home so we don't need to cook the next day.

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