
FlashBack2 - From Florence to Tuscany

The Best is Yet to Come - More Friends Were Added to ICiT

Things went so quick more than I expected, it was great to befriend with Fifi. She is a lovely enthusiastic woman, a very friendly lady with a lot of energy. She is very independent and energetic, I felt pumped when I got around her. I admired her energy! The night later she added many of her Indonesian friends into the group, and suddenly….from 6 the number has increased to 20 members!  Amazing!

ICT Temu Kenal & Lunch on Nov 1st, 2013 at Yawa's place

When IWiF became IWiT became ICiT, ha! 

It was a great improvement to the group! That was also when we realized that there were Indonesian men around. The first man added to the group was David. Therefore we decided to change the name of the group to “Indonesian Community in Florence”.  After the name changed, we were gladly welcome more Indonesian men into the group. We were so glad to have Joni, Evan, Jhon and Jacky. You guys are all very welcome!

Then we realized another thing. There are some friends who actually live outside of Florence. Again we saw the necessity to adapt to this condition, hence, the name changed from “Indonesian Community in Florence” to ”Indonesian Community in Tuscany”. We did not use ‘in Italia’ yet, not because we are pessimistic. Italy is a broad country, it seemed too far to travel from Sicily to Florence to just to meet up for a lunch, so we just tried to be moderate here. Surely we hope there are many more Indonesians came to visit Florence from different places further than Tuscan regions. In this case, we would be very open to always adapt to the new conditions.

Indonesian Community in Tuscany - Welcoming All!

This post also goes to Michelle, Nindya and Angela; and to all beautiful Indonesian friends who are now in the community. Welcome! This is your community! 

If you know more Indonesians, feel free to add them to our community. Please also feel free to share something (articles, your business, recipes, events, tips, knowledge) on the group wall! It’s your wall! 


  1. Dear admin, would u like to invite me into this group, please? My name is David. I work on the cruise ship and now I stay in Benetti Yacht Builder, Livorno for a little bit longer. Here is my email Please contact me, if u have any information for Indonesian events.
    Thanks before..

  2. Hi David, apologize for a late respond. You've been added to ICiT group on FB. Let us know when you're in Florence. Salam kenal, admin
