
The Beginning of My Eczema

Never in years had I fallen flat on the ground and wounded. I almost forgot the feeling of having bruises and bloody wounds. Until that day, after I spent a nice day of touring the beautiful Tuscan hills in a mild autumn weather with 'Bike Florence & Tuscany'. I fell right with my left knee knocking the ground hard. It was so hard that I thought my kneecap was cracking. A second later I groaned in an extreme pain, holding my left knee tightly, hoping that there’s no broken bone and trembling by the thought of not being able to walk again. Fortunately, a moment later the pain got lesser, I tried to move my knee up and down, grateful that despite the bloody pain, it still worked well. Only the open wound was so bloody that I wished it was no more than skin deep. It happened at the front yard of our friend's house, his mother ran toward me and helped me to stand up by lifting my right arm. With her help, I stood slowly and started to walk to the porch. She went into the house to get some medicines and bandage. I was more than thankful that moment when I recalled how I was almost got hit by a speedy car before entering the gate in the morning that very same day. The situation could be a lot worst! Thank God for His protection.

I knew the wound looked nasty so I decided to wash it my self. I realized my left palm hand was also bleeding. Red blood ran down my hand into the drainage of the kitchen sink. I cleaned my wounds rapidly and the mother of our friend wrapped a bandage on my open wounds. "To protect it from the dust on the road," she said. All I wanted at that time was to get home quickly, to have all the wounds re-washed, re-applied some 'Betadine' and put a new bandage on. The thought that I still had to bike back home and the pain upset me. Thanks to God, I still managed to bike and arrived home safely.

A week later the wound on my knee dried up, the bloody part turn into scab, then the area around the scabs began to itch, which was normal. The itch was intense that I scratched in my sleep and it felt good. The next morning I saw some red spots developed around the dry scab. I usually use an ointment to ease itchiness caused by mosquito bites and normally the itch stopped and the redness receded. I had a bottle of this ointment at home for regular uses and kind of dependent to it. So, I did the same with these new red spots and the scab. To my surprise, all the red spots worsen and the scab looked a bit watery on its side. Instead of getting better, the spots became worst every day and itch me to death.  This was the beginning of my agony, a start to my suffering due to a dermatitis disease which later I found out as eczema.

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