
How to Get the Italian Stay Permit / Permesso di Soggiorno for an EU citizen's spouse?

You are a non EU citizen and your spouse is an EU citizen who lives and works in Italy. After your husband received his Carta d'Identita, now it’s your turn to get your Stay Permit / Permesso di Soggiorno.

Step 1
Once your husband has done step 4 (on previous post, that was iscriversi all'Anagrafe to register himself at the Registry office / Uffizzi d'Anagrafe), after 10 days, he should be registered in the database of Uffizzi d'Anagrafe/Registry office already, means you should also be registered as his wife. So you can go to the Registry office to get your Stata di Famiglia. It’s a statement letter issued by Registry office states that you are his wife and you are in Italy for family reason.

Step 2
You must apply for your own Codice Fiscale at this point at the Provincial Tax Office. You will need your own Codice Fiscale to submit to the Questura along with your other documents for your Permesso di Soggiorno application. You need your passport and a copy of all documents of your husband as a proof that he’s sponsoring you.

You will get a Codice Fiscale on paper, make sure they have your name written / stated right on our codice ficale (the codice should start with your last name, -they misplaced my first name with my last name, so I had to wait for a new Codice Fiscale which took another two months-) Ask for a card version, the plastic card will be delivered to your house by mail about 2 weeks later. To make sure it arrives at your post box, you need to make sure your name is written at your doorbell.

Step 3
After you received your Stata di Famiglia and have your own Codice Fiscale, you can apply for your Permesso di Soggiorno at the Questura / Immigration Office at via della Fortezza.

List of documents you need to submit :

Your own documents :
Stata di Famiglia
Passport (minimum still valid for the next 3 years)
Your last embarkation stamp in your passport from the airport when you entered Italy
4 passport size of your recent photograph (you can do self-shot at the photo box you can find almost in every area in Florence) there is one photo box near the Uffizzi d'Anagrafe (piazza Liberta), the nearest photo box to the Questura is at the station Firenze S.M.N.)
Health / travel insurance
Codice Fiscale
a "Marco da Bollo" (tax tamp) from any Tabacchi (Tobacco Shop) around town. They cost 14,62 euros.

Your husband’s documents:
Job contract
Rental contract and blue print/map of the house which is registered/legalized by Italian law firm.
Codice Fiscale
Travel insurance / Health insurance
Marriage certificate (translated into multi languages including Italian the translation version must be issued not older than 1 year)
Datore di Lavoro
Dichiarazione di Residenza

Always bring all original documents with you, and have 3 copies of each. Submit only copies, always keep the original. They might ask for original but only to check and to compare them with the copy.


During the period of process of your Permesso, make sure your name is written on your doorbell. The commune officer might do a sudden inspection (to visit you at your house without prior notice to make sure your existence is real, your house is there, your data is valid)

Comune will issue a receipt that works as a temporary permit in Italy while your Permesso di Soggiorno is in the process. You will need to show this receipt to the Questura when you collect your PdiS. It’s a green tiny piece of paper and looks very simple but keep it well! DO NOT LOOSE IT! If you lose it and you have no valid visa to stay in Schengen/EU, you must return to your country immediately and apply your permesso from your home country which will cost more and takes forever.
Step 5
Obtain your Carta d’Identita and your Tessera Sanitaria (Italian Health Insurance)

1 comment:

  1. Hello i just want to ask how long it takes to get your permesso di soggiorno because my its almost 5months i just want to know about how long coz i dont have any idea thank you
