
How to Collect the Permesso di Soggiorno at the Immigration Office?

Immigration office or Questura is at Via della Fortezza, Florence.

How long does the process of PdiS?

The length of the process of PdiS seems to be varied, some can get it in 4 weeks, some in 2 months, most people get it in 1 year or more. When you are submitting your application, ask the officer, how long will it take to process your PdiS. He/she will say you may come back in 2 weeks, but don’t be surprised because often when you go back after 2 weeks, your file will probably remain untouched or simply stacked on his shelf. 

The key is to be patient, keep smiling, and speak/ask the officer politely. Keep asking when can you have your PdiS ready? Ask for a certain date and timing.


The new regulation requires you to be interviewed by the Questura officer, to have your fingers print and to take your photo digitally, all to be done at the Questura office at Via della Fortezza. Basically, they do these formalities to check whether your written data on all submitted forms match your appearance/reality. These are all to be recorded in their database before they issue your PdiS.

When can I collect my PdiS?

Normally it will take another 2 weeks after your interview for them to issue your PdiS, but again timing really depends on them.

What do I need to bring?

Make sure you bring your little original receipt and one copy and the original of your husband's Carta d'Identita when you are collecting your Permesso di Soggiorno

Tips :

Come early, officially Questura opens at 08:00 - 15:00. But you can only get your waiting list number until 12:00. If you want to get the 1st waiting list number, you need to be there at 7 am, before they are open.  

Waiting at Questura can be really really long! sometimes up to 6 hours, so get ready: bring water for drink, bring snacks in case you are hungry, bring a book to read or bring your iPod to keep yourself busy whilst waiting.  

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