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The First Indonesian I Met in Florence

How I met lovely Erna 

I left home early morning, hop on my bike to get to the Questura (Immigration) office. I had an appointment at 9am with Ulrike to get my Permesso di Soggiorno. I got there on time and found her sitting on one of the bench. The Questura was crowded as usual. We talked to kill time, about her dogs, about her house, about her work, about her daughter. She spoke English, very friendly, very talkative and loud. I could feel some eyes turning to us when she was talking. 

Italian Hospitality?

Diusir Pemilik Toko

Pagi ini suamiku sudah bertekad berangkat pagi ke kantor pos (PosteItalia) di tengah kota, dengan harapan staff kantor pos dapat membantu menemukan paket penting kiriman dari Belanda. Setelah selesai sarapan, dia langsung berangkat dengan sepedanya. Hari ini suhu di Florence 38 °C, lumayan dibanding kemaren yang 40°C.

Sayang sekali, setelah petugas kantor pos memeriksa kode kiriman paket, ternyata dinyatakan kode paket  tidak dikenal. Alhasil PosteItalia tidak dapat membantu menemukan paket tersebut. Dengan kecewa suamiku meninggalkan kantor pos dengan tangan kosong. Saat berjalan gontai, matanya tertumbuk pada etalase salah satu toko dasi, dompet dan asesoris pria lainnya yang menawarkan diskon. Suamiku langsung tertarik pada beberapa dasi yang ditawarkan, maka masuklah ia ke toko tersebut dan mulai memilih dasi.

Angels Are Around, Angel #2

How would you feel? If a good looking man in suits, drove his Mercedes, came to you and helped you dump your garbage..............

Another blessing we received was that we had our own garden, a backyard and a little shed. We knew there's a small balcony but we didn't expect the house would have a garden since it's a 2nd floor apartment. So we considered that as a surprised bonus from God.

All Goods Have Arrived and Unpacking Frenzy

After about a month of waiting for our personal effects to be released by customs in Milan. Finally we have all 23 boxes arrived in our house.