
Summer BBQ Parties - We Love Food, Fun and Friendship

Sate ayam, nasi pecel....we were so excited when we heard that David would bring pecel, Yawa would make sate ayam complete with spicy peanut sauce, Joni and Erna came with juicy Singapore pork dumplings.  Indonesian Singaporean bbq, again at the house of Yawa and Cyril because they have a nice yard with roof where we can sit outside overlook a stunning view of Florence. Thanks to both Cyril and Yawa who generously open their house for us.

BBQ on May 17th and on August 14, 2014

It was on May 17, 2014, the day I met Erlinda for the first time. Erlinda, who was also a student in Florence came together with Angela, who was so excited to see donkeys. We spent the whole afternoon with so much food. Ami was also there with her family and with Kenny. This time, Ami's two little boys had fun playing with two dogs, one tiny cute dog of Erna and another bigger lively dog of Yawa. It was a very enjoyable afternoon together. 

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