
Between Lunch Buffet and Balinesia

I locked my bike at the piazza Largo Pietro Annigoni, then headed to Pingusto, the all you can eat buffet restaurant and our meeting point. Everyone were there already, that was a special lunch gathering to facilitate all of us so we can meet Dina. She lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, but was in Florence at that time as she came with her husband who works for GE and had his business trip at GE office in Florence. Beside Dina, Erna Vin Eka Putri was there too. January 15, 2014, was an official day of my first time meeting with Dina and Erna. We have two Ernas in the community now!

We enjoyed our lunch and togetherness, 'all you can eat' lunch buffet was the best place where we could satisfy our hungry stomachs. It cost 11 Euro per person for so much food, drinks, a cup of coffee, dolce and gelato. We ate, talked in Bahasa, joked and laughed. That day, I thought we really broke a record of the loudest table of the day. After the coffee, we were up for some photos.

We continued with visiting Fifi's store Balinesia which located at Via Borgo la Croce 59/A about 3 minutes walking distance from where we ate. There in front of the store, we had so much fun taking pictures and asked passers by to help us taking our group photo in front of the store. Loud and lots of fun! Nice to meet you Dina and Erna, and welcome to Indonesian Community in Tuscany.

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