
The Large Group Meeting and Apericena at Moyo

It was winter December 2013, we had this chat through Facebook, it was Fifi who came up with an idea to have a meeting with all members of the community. At that time I remembered, she has added David into the group. We agreed to have a dinner together and the easiest way we could think of was to meet up for la apericena somewhere at the city center.

The crowded Moyo - Bar & Lounge at Via dei Benci, 23r, Florence. Image courtesy of

I suggested Moyo Bar for some reasons. First, it located in the Santa Croce neighborhood, where there was an annual German market. The idea was to visit the German market together after the dinner, just to be able to spend more times together and to get to know each other better in the fresh outdoor air. Second, apericena would cost everyone a price of one glass of drink, and thirdly, I've been there once, it was spacious enough for a meeting place of 20 people and the food was alright.  

I also invited my friend, Sherry, she gladly accepted and asked whether she could invite two friends of her. Long story short, we all finally met up at Moyo. I was there with Jos, then Sherry and her friends arrived. Soon, David arrived, then Michelle and Angela. I heard about Angela before and we spoke a bit through Facebook but I haven't met her in person yet until that night. She's a student, as well as Michelle, and Michelle met her first. These two cute young students, I was glad they both made it to join us that night, so we could finally meet. Then Joni and Erna, with Fifi and Yawa who came solo without their spouses. About half an hour later, Malina arrived with her husband Jacopo.

ICiT members plus 3 friends minus two  (^_^)v

Later, I saw Fifi talked to a young guy with long hair. I thought maybe she invited her friend, maybe he is one of a local artist in Florence. I was thinking that way, because I knew David, who worked in creative industry and also as a Video jockey in Florence from Fifi. Then the guy, came toward us and introduced himself to me, "I am Matthew." He was also Indonesian and a student in Florence. Matthew was informed about the meeting of Indonesians by Angela. A moment later, although some of us just met for the first time, we were all mingled as if we have known for days.  It was a fun evening, lots of laugh and food. Although, Sherry and her friends had to leave earlier because they had to go to work early the next day.

Time passed by quickly when we're having fun! It was about 11pm already, and we realized we had to leave soon if we still want to visit the German market. We all grabbed our coats and left the bar though everyone seemed to enjoy being inside the bar more. When we arrived at the market, it was quiet, they almost close. Maybe because it was Tuesday night, a bit rainy and cold. However, we had a great time together. We enjoyed so much, but unfortunately, we had to end it. Thank you all for participating in this event. It was really nice to have met you all and to have spent such an enjoyable time together!

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