
Hoping for the Community to Grow

My Hope for IWiF

I remember once Caramia told me that there are more Indonesians in Florence, she saw some of them and was being told by one of them that KBRI (Indonesian Consulate) would be opened up a new office in Florence. I was excited for a while, but then I could not get any further information on this good news. Once I was in Rome for some reasons at the Indonesian Embassy in Rome. I specially asked the officer about this matter and he said, KBRI only opened at some spots within reaching distance of the areas. Since Tuscan region located near Milan, there was no way KBRI would open an office in Florence. Indonesians who live in Florence or Tuscan can go to Milan or Rome for immigration or visa services. Nice enough, the officer also gave me two mobile numbers of Indonesians who live in Florence. 

I went back to Florence, with a plan in mind to get in touch with these two Indonesians as soon as possible. However, somehow a thought came into my head, “Now what are you going to say? That you had their numbers from a guy at the embassy?” “And that you want to invite them into a tiny little insignificant so called Indonesian Women in Florence?” “They will just laugh at you, silly!” So, I changed my mind.  Instead of making a phone call, I put those note aside and –you bet- I forgot about it.

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