
Angels Are Around; Angel #3

Introducing angel #3 - David

I had to go to uffizi Anagrafe at Piazza della Liberta that day to get the Stato di Familia form, it's one of a step to make before applying the stay permitt from de Commune. I had a piece of paper with all steps I had to follow to get to the Piazza della Liberta and to find the uffizi. I had the address and it stated that the building is round and red. 

I checked my map and bus route to finally hopped into bus no 12 to get to the Liberta. I stopped at fermata Leonardo da Vinci #3 which was too far from where I should. I could have just stopped at Liberta but was so stuck to the route explanation that said I could stop at another bus stop which much closer to the uffici than Leonardo da Vinci#3. Anyway, I stopped and had to walk back to get to the piazza Liberta. 

I searched and looked around to find the red round building to find that all buildings at Liberta are square. I finally asked a magazine seller and he pointed to a road on the right side of the piazza, and it was not Liberta, it was a different road. I crossed the road and got there still puzzled of where the uffizi located exactly. When I turn on that road appointed by the magazine seller, I finally saw this round building and entered the yard. 

At the gate I asked a man who just walked out of the gate," Is this uffizi Anagrafe?" He looked at me and said,"Yes." I was glad knowing that he speaks English, and not only that, he then said," It's not easy to find though, so, come follow me, I will show you where it is exactly!"  "Okay, thanks." I said, and I walked next to him. "Are you also applying for your residence permit?" I asked. "Yes," he said, "but not for now, I just gathered information for my next plan, but it's not so easy to get clear information here. That's why, I'll show you where the Anagrafe is!" "I appreciate that! Thanks," I said. "No problem, I still have time anyway," he said. "Where did you come from?" he asked, "Indonesia," I replied, "Oh wow, that's not around the corner!" he smiled. 

Couple of minutes later we were inside the Anagrafe, he showed me where to get the number for waiting list and said, "Alright! That's it...I wish you luck", he offered his right hand to shake my hand good bye. "I am David, nice to meet you! Where do you live at the moment?" he introduced himself and asked at the same time. "Hi David, nice to meet you too, I live near porta Romana." I replied. He smiled and waved his hand to me,"Okay, ciao!" he said. "Ciao, David! Grazie! I smiled back at him and again that thought came across....."angels are around, Ossi".....I lightly smiled and said silently, "Thanks Lord! You are amazing!  

So when I was confuse, He sent this little help to angel no#2 and his name was David.

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