
Visa to Italy

Do you need a visa if you are Indonesian and wants to visit Italy? The answer is YES. You need a visa before you enter Italy. The visa must be obtained in your home country, Indonesia.

You need to apply your visa at the Italian Embassy in Jakarta :
Jakarta - Embassy of Italy
Address: N/A (please call phone number below to find out about the address)
Tel.: 00622131937445
Fax: 00622131937422

How to apply for a visa if you’re an Indonesian?

To apply a visa, there are some procedures you need to follow, it also depends on your purpose of visit.  For example, if you only visit Italy as a tourist, all you need is a tourist visa, which is different than a working visa. The best way is to find an up-to-date information from embassy / consulate's website about what kind of documents they require you to submit along with the visa application form. Or go to the Embassy office to get the visa application form and to ask for more detail information.

The common procedures to apply a visa :

You will need a passport that still valid, your passport must still have some empty pages.
You need to fill up a visa application form, which you can download from their website or you can get a hard copy at the Embassy office.
You need to submit all required documents and the pas-photo.
You need to pay the fee.
Some Embassy might interview you before they issued a visa. 

For application form, and detail of documents you have to submit for your visa application, click here

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