
The 3rd Meeting of Indonesian Community in Florence

Introducing Jeanny.

I was thrilled when I received this email from Zyra a.k.a. Jeanny. She wrote me to express her interest to meet up with another Indonesian women in Florence. Later I found out she lives in Bari, from Florence it's way down South of Italy. Like myself, she was longing to be able to joke and chat in our own mother tongue language. So excited that she would find ways to go to Florence and meet us.

After couple of emails, we finally swapped numbers and agreed to meet up on March 22nd, as she would be in Florence to accompany her husband who comes to Florence for his work. 

It was only two days prior to March 22nd, I had only a little time to invite all our friends. Since it's quite a short notice, therefore only I and Yawa who at last available to join the meeting. I met Yawa in front of il magnifico duomo, shortly Jeanny arrived and we were so glad to see her, another gorgeous Indonesian, to enrich our community. When I saw Jeanny's fashionable appearance, I thought she would  be a great model for a photo-shoot, I mentioned this thought to Yawa who's a photographer, and she agreed. We decided to meet up over coffee and dolce, but it was so nice that we continued to had lunch at Mercato Centrale. It was just the three of us but we had a lot of fun meeting Jeanny. 

This post is to express my gratitude to Yawa for making Jeanny felt welcome. Thank you Jeanny for bringing such excitement and a new color to our friendship. I truly hope you will be able to join our meetings in the future and to meet all of beautiful members of Indonesian Community in Florence.   

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