
The 2nd Meeting of Indonesian Community In Florence

It's a beautiful sunny Saturday of January 26th, 2013. We decided to have this 2nd meeting on Saturday to accommodate our 2 new friends. As students, their weekdays occupied with schools, thus to have a meeting in the weekend was the best way to be able to have them joined. I met Mia, one of them about two weeks earlier in the church service that Sunday morning. I remember our Pastor greeted her at the entrance door as she entered. I heard she mentioned she came from America, but from her accent and when I took a glance on her face, I was somehow sure she is Indonesian, and I was right. So glad to finally have met another Indonesian in Florence. She is young, pretty and lively; so I wasn't surprised when she mentioned she's going to study fashion design in Florence. It suited her.

Ciao! Sono Indonesiana in Italia!

It’s been three months now, since the first day we arrived. Within those three months, a lot of things happened. The first two months was occupied with all processes of applying for our stay permit. Applying was only the beginning of the whole process, completing paper works, going, waiting, checking, and meeting people at local government offices to get all done was another long story. 

However, I would say, I am grateful. During the whole process it was amazing how God have shown His abundance mercy and helps. So now I can really thankfully say,” I am an Indonesian and officially Italiana!”