
Angels are Around Angel #1

It is not easy to live abroad as a foreigner where everything is new and often surprising. It is quite of an adventure, yet terrifying and challenging at the same time. It takes a while to adjust to so many different things such as culture, habit, rules, language, weather, environment, and people. Despite of fear whenever I thought of things that might come my way, as Christian, however, I believe that God will always help me. This is the time for me to really putting my believe into practice. I keep His promise, "I will never leave you nor forsake you!" I am learning how to live fully depend on Him and I amazed every time I found He helped me in His unique ways. It's so true that He remains faithful all the time. His love never fails. Somehow this thought came across my mind "angels are around" and every time I thought of it, I smiled and whispered,"Thank You, Lord! You are awesome!" 

Introducing angel no#1 - Angelo

After more than three weeks of waiting for Italian customs to release our personal goods, after all hassles of calling and submitting extra documents. Finally our personal effects of 23 boxes arrived in our house. 

Talk Like Italians

Talk Not Fight!

It’s a hot day in Florence that day, I checked my weather online gadget and it was 40°C! I was sitting behind my desk, trying to focus myself to learn and memorize some more new Italian vocabularies which until now are so hard to get into my old rusted brain.

Suddenly I heard cars engine stopped, car doors slammed, then men’s voices talked almost yelled to each other. Caused we lived on 2nd floor of apartment building here in Italy, I could just popped my head out from the window behind me and looked down to the road in front of our place. Curious of what’s going on, that exactly what I did. I thought in a hot day like today, in the summer time in Italy, no wonder if most Italian is very temperamental. So I thought again, here they are, screaming and fighting right in front of our house. Great!